They say you are not supposed to make any major life changes while studying for the bar exam. For example, do not break up with your significant other, find a new significant other, buy a puppy, or dye your hair. I'm going to submit that you should also not decide to start running or blogging during this time. It will lead to a bruised, swollen ankle and a defunct blog. R reminded me this past week that I do, in fact, have a blog, and it desperately needs my attention. Besides, what else am I supposed to do when I'm R.I.C.E.'ing? (that's apparently athlete-talk for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate)
Since my last entry, I turned 23, continued my ban on zumba, took the bar exam, listened to a lot of country music, spent an entire week by the pool, threw a party, and resolved to never throw parties. Luckily for you, some of these experiences make great blog fodder. So stay tuned world. I'm back.